Casting Call: To Kill a Mockingbird

We are thrilled to announce auditions for the classic story, “To Kill A Mockingbird”. Richard Coon will be directing the well-known tale, written by Harper Lee and dramatized by Christopher Sergel, renowned for its warmth and humor despite dealing with serious issues such as racial inequality and the destruction of innocence. TAPA is looking for twelve (12) men and eight (8) women, including roles for 1 girl and 2 boys. The show opens July 14th.
Auditions will be held at Oregon Coast Dance Center on Saturday April 22nd and Sunday April 23rd, starting promptly at 2:00 pm. Oregon Coast Dance Center is located at 106 Main Ave in Tillamook.
An audition flyer with additional cast and production details is available here.
For additional details call Richard at 842-4678 or email