It’s Starlite Academy Time!

Greeting students!! It’s time to register for Starlite Academy. This is a children’s workshop for students who have completed the first grade through age 13.

The workshop begins on July 18th. and runs through July 23rd. It starts at 9:00 a.m. and goes until 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday with lunch provided. There are two performances – one on Friday evening and one on Saturday evening, July 22nd. & 23rd. beginning at 7:00 p.m.

The cost is $25.00 per student payable when you arrive on Monday morning.

To register, please call Diane and Wally Nelson at 503-392-3454 or e-mail –

Because of our limited space we must limit the workshop to 20 students. So call or write soon.