Annual Meeting Sunday October 18th

The Tillamook  Association for the Performing Arts will be having our annual meeting on Sunday October 18th, 2020 at 1:00 pm.  Things will be a little different this year, due to COVID-19.  Prior to the meeting, members can request the annual budget documents and last years minutes.  4 Board member positions are up for election, and nominations for these positions can be submitted at or by calling (503) 812-0275.  The in-house meeting attendance at the Barn Community Playhouse will be limited and members can RSVP to be on the seating list.  All other participants are asked to join us through a Zoom meeting.  To request the link, please contact us at or by calling (503) 812-0275.

At 1:00 pm on October 18th, the meeting will start and a brief update of TAPA’s finances, projects in progress and future of the postponed season will be given.  Members will be allowed to ask any questions they have either in person or via the Zoom connection.  All nominations for the Board positions will be announced and a vote will occur.  Each member will choose 4 people from the nominated pool and the top 4 vote getters will secure the Board position.  A paper ballot will be available for those voting in person and anyone on the Zoom call will have their vote taken individually by a third party.
Thank you for your patience during this challenging year – TAPA is still here and we will be back on the stage when it is safe to do so!  Look for some exciting offerings this winter while we prepare our next show dates.
For more information, please contact us at (503) 812-0275.

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