The Odd Couple – Female Version Announces Cast

The Tillamook Association for the Performing Arts (TAPA) is excited to announce the cast of the upcoming comedy The Odd Couple, Female Version by Neil Simon and directed by Chris Chiola.
Neil Simon hit a home run with his Odd Couple on the stage, big screen and TV. Everyone knows the story of crotchety Oscar Madison and fastidious Felix Unger. In 1985 he twisted it up with a brand-new script switching all of the character’s genders. Rita Moreno and Sally Struthers starred in the Broadway production as Olive Madison and Florence Unger.
Instead of the play opening with a gang of guys smoking cigars and playing poker in a dump of an apartment, The Odd Couple, Female Version opens on a group of ladies playing trivial pursuit trying to figure out how many times a penguin has sex! Olive Madison is trying hard to please her guests with greasy sandwiches, stale chips and warm soda when Florence Unger walks in announcing that she has left her husband and the fun doesn’t stop there.
The cast of The Odd Couple, Female Version includes TAPA veteran Riki Reid as Olive Madison and a newcomer to TAPA as Florence Unger – Sarajane Elkins. The group of ladies are played by other TAPA veterans, Kelli McMellon, Lora Ressler, Sylvia Johnson and Trish Bush while Rachel Cardwell also makes her TAPA debut. Lynn Lothman plays one of the two Spanish brothers who show up trying to woo Olive and Florence. The other brother has not yet been cast.
This witty production opens May 31st with a Gala Celebration and runs through June 23rd. Evening shows begin at 7pm with 2pm matinees on June 9th, 16th and 23rd. Come see the show at 1204 Ivy Street – on the corner of 12th and Ivy adjacent to Les Schwab Tires. Tickets are on sale now online at or by calling 503-812-0275.