A Little Murder Never Hurt Anybody opens March 28th!

The time is near to find out what happens at the show “A Little Murder Never Hurt Anybody”!  The cast has been hard at work and have produced a wonderful show that will tweak your happy side.

This delightful comedic murder romp will be performed March 28th, 29th, 30th, April 4th, 5th, 6th, 11thand 12th at The Barn Community Playhouse, located at 12th & Ivy Ave in
Tillamook.  Evening performances start at 7:00 pm and Sunday matinees will start at 2:00 pm. Doors open 30 minutes prior to curtain.

Join us for the Opening Night Gala on March 28th starting at 6:30 pm; each ticket purchase includes one free beverage of choice.   

Tickets are on sale at Diamond Art Jewelers in Tillamook (503-842-7940).  $15 for adult, $10 for seniors/students.

Julia Perry (Sarah Edwards) and husband Matthew Perry (Bill Farnum)


Det. Plotnick (Koli Cutler) giving Buttram (Robert Kratz) and intense stare down

The lovely engaged couple, Bunny (Ali Duer) and Donald (Brett Duer)